
Blog by Tina Mak

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Variable Rates Lower than Last Year, Should you Refinance ?

If you signed a variable rate mortgage in the past year, it may be time to refinance again.


Many individuals who came up for renewal in the past year may have selected a variable rate as high as prime + 1%.


Look at this example of a client who is paying prime + .5% on a $300,000 mortgage:


Mortgage = $300,000

Penalty to get out of the mortgage = $2,062

Savings of .5% in 5 years in the new mortgage = $7,038 (assuming a prime rate of 2.25% and an amortization of 25 years).


Net savings in 5 years after penalty = $4,976


That’s a pretty nice trip to Disneyland for your family at the end of your term to celebrate lower interest rates!


Call your banker or mortgage broker for further info.

Investment Radio Show with Tina Mak Personal Real Estate Corporation

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