
thumb According to the 2020 Chinese horoscope, the Lunar New Year starts on Saturday, January 25th and ends on February 11th, 2021. The Rat is the first sign from the 12 animals cycle of the Chinese Astrology, and for this reason, 2020 is considered a year of new beginnings and renewals.

The Metal Rat Year is going to be a strong, prosperous, and lucky year for almost all chinese zodiac signs. Everyone will show determination regarding their goals, aspirations, and even their hobbies. This is a great year for founding and evolving. Those who plan to buy real estate, to start a business or to invest money in a long-term project have great chances of being satisfied in the future. But, beware! This type of initiatives will only be successful if they are carefully planned. The Chinese New Year is celebrated every year through sumptuous and colorful festivities. It is the most important celebration, an occasion for familiar reunion, party and two weeks long winter holiday.

More Predictions:

Rat 1900 1912 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 2020
Ox 1901 1913 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021
Tiger 1902 1914 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022
Rabbit 1903 1915 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023
Dragon 1904 1916 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 2024
Snake 1905 1917 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 2025
Horse 1906 1918 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 2026
Sheep 1907 1919 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015 2027
Monkey 1908 1920 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016 2028
Rooster 1909 1921 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017 2029
Dog 1910 1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018 2030
Boar 1911 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 2031



The Rat 


Rat Icon


The Rat (SHU) 
Ruler of the hours 11pm to 1am
Direction - North
Season - Winter/December
Fixed element - Water positive
Yin/Yang - Yang

Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Rat tend to be forthright, generous and easy going to all of those that they love and care for.  They generally have happy, lively personalities and are very outgoing, although they can get very edgy when upset.  On the whole they are successful in what they choose to do and are full of imagination and possess very good memories.  During a crisis rats come into their own because they are level headed and intuitive, but often their energies can be scattered by their over ambitious tendencies.  If their over ambitious enthusiasm can be avoided there is no reason why Rats should not do well.  The Rat is a lover of money and a hater of waste and idleness.

The year of the Rat: is symbolic of opportunity and good prospects.  Business in general is forecast as being good although it is possible that bleak years will follow.  However anything that began in the year of the Rat should in theory be successful.

The Fire Rat - aggressive, dynamic, competitive, competitively motivated, self-determining and is full of ideals.

The Wood Rat - inquisitive, intuitive, apprehensive, adaptable, is motivated by diligence and is not very conventional.

The Earth Rat - trusty, adult, is motivated by permanence, is realistic and sanctimonious.

The Metal Rat - sensitive, idealistic, envious, is motivated by thought and is possessive.

The Water Rat - shrewd, perceptive, is motivated by education, is traditional and understanding.

Metal Rat
Water Rat
Wood Rat
Fire Rat
Earth Rat

Interesting Rat Facts:

Zodiac Stone: Garnet

Special Flower: Narcissus

Horoscope Colors: Black, White, Purple

THIS YEAR: The beginning of the year, the first days of February are extremely bright and full of motivation. We’ve received as a gift a new, clean, fresh year, with no mistakes and no regrets. The Year of the Rat is going to bring us creative energy, an energy which can manifest by fulfilling plenty of things you wish in your life.

You will have the surety that everything is possible, that you are the creator of your own life and that yes, you have the power to be whoever you want to be. Officially, the Chinese year of the rat starts on January 25th, and in order to have a great year, we are advising to include in the New Chinese Year’s menu what the Rat likes to eat, which means nuts and all kinds of cheese, and to wear during the party the most precious clothing and jewellery, because the rat loves opulence.

The metal element creates water, which means productivity and activity for the metal industries. These include the production of cars and machinery, IT, high tech industry, cosmetics, and health. Take advantage of it, it is available every year and it can be the fundament for new habits and actions that you’ve wanted to initiate for a long time.

The Ox



The Ox (NIU)

Ruler of the hours 1am to 3am
Direction - North/Northeast
Season - Winter/January
Fixed element - Water negative
Yin/Yang - Yin

Personality Traits:
People born under the sign of the Ox are generally calm, dependable, patient and unflagging. The Ox is symbolic of prosperity that is achieved through hard work.  Although obstinate they do have logical minds and will not be easily frightened.  They appreciate that in order to achieve success things must be done in a certain methodical and correct way.  Ox people are seldom deprived and tend to be both reliable and conventional.  They are patient, but once angry and incensed it will be difficult to reason with them, they also have a propensity to hold grudges.  Ruled more by their heads than hearts they are full of pride and uncompromising and in order to be happier they should nurture their sense of humor.

The year of the Ox: is one in which success will escape without a sustained, mindful effort.  The sort of problems that are encountered in the year of the Ox tend to be home front problems that seem to be never ending.  The Ox year needs discipline and it is not the time for unruly behaviour or taking short cuts.  In this year success is achieved solely through hard work.

The Fire Ox - powerful, money-oriented, motivated by combat, but is also objective.

The Wood Ox - traditional, accommodating, ethical, fair-minded and motivated by honesty.

The Earth Ox - resolute, enduring, motivated by patience, is focused and genuine.

The Metal Ox - confrontational, conceited, bright, intense and motivated by conviction.

The Water Ox - systematic, motivated by strength of mind, is patient, practicable and levelheaded.

Metal Ox
Water Ox
Wood Ox
Fire Ox
Earth Ox

Interesting Ox Facts:

Zodiac Stone: Aquamarine

Special Flower: Carnation

Horoscope Colors: Green, Yellow, Black

THIS YEAR: The Ox chinese horoscope 2020 predicts that in order to amplify the good celestial influences of the year and lessen the negative impacts, it will be in your best interests to take stock of your life and to hatch out new projects. Every time you have confidence in yourself and show yourself to be enterprising and innovative, luck will smile upon you.

But on the contrary, if you don’t try to change what goes awry in your life and if you make do with an unsatisfactory routine, then luck will turn its back on you.

The Tiger



The Tiger (HU)

Ruler of the hours 3am to 5am
Direction - East/Northeast
Season - Winter/February
Fixed element - Wood positive
Yin/Yang - Yang

Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Tiger tend to have very go-ahead personalities, they love to be the centre of attention and are often very fortunate and full of drive.  Although they are often skeptical by nature they can make rash decisions, but above all they are loving, giving, and genuine.  They tend to immerse themselves in any of their undertakings and while full of optimism they are not materialistic.  Intensity as opposed to logical best describes a Tiger person.  At their worst they are stubborn, self-centred and awkward but on the plus side they can also be sensitive and sympathetic.  They will go to great lengths to reap their revenge and detest being ignored.  As a tiger, life will be filled with just about every emotion and very volatile; and being great optimists life will also be full of many challenges

The year of the Tiger: is a very likely to be a volatile year, everything is taken to its limit in this big and bold year.  It can also be a year of war, disasters and all kinds of disputes, it is a year for massive change but this can also bring out the best.

The Fire Tiger - dramatic, self-reliant, giving, motivated by enthusiasm and is quirky.

The Wood Tiger - enchanting, pioneering, scheming, motivated by co-operation and is tolerant.

The Earth Tiger - hard working, academic, motivated by worth, is impartial and responsible.

The Metal Tiger - aggressive, attractive, diligent, motivated by self interest and selfish.

The Water Tiger - perceptive, motivated by tranquility, is unbiased, open minded and honest.

Metal Tiger
Water Tiger
Wood Tiger
Fire Tiger
Earth Tiger

Interesting Tiger Facts:

Zodiac Stone: Sapphire

Special Flower: Violet

Horoscope Colors: Green, Blue, Yellow

THIS YEAR: For those born in the year of the Tiger, 2020 will bring  prosperity, luck and power.

The Tiger horoscope 2020 predicts that the year that begins is particularly promising, and you can succeed in all your undertakings. The best advice one could give you is to have confidence in yourself. Move ahead without asking yourself too many questions.

The Rabbit



The Rabbit (TU)
Ruler of the hours 5am to 7am
Direction - East
Season - Spring/March
Fixed element - Wood negative
Yin/Yang - Yin

Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Rabbit tend to be fortunately blessed, strong willed, hate disagreements, careful, unobtrusive, systematic and confident. The Rabbit is one of the most fortunate of all the Chinese star signs.  With their live and let live attitude toward life they don't often get into trouble and seldom make enemies.  Although they can often put themselves first due to their fondness for comfort, they are considerate, kind and thoughtful towards others. Rabbits are said to be elegant and kindly and the Rabbit is the symbol of long life.  They are said to draw their life energy from the moon. Although being graceful, kind and sensitive and leading tranquil lives, they do have a tendency towards being removed, indifferent and somewhat temperamental.  In business they do tend to be fortunate but this comes from being shrewd, crafty and hardnosed.  On the whole the Rabbit likes an easy, good time and gives sensible solid advice, although they do shy away from commitments. 

The year of the Rabbit: is in sharp contrast to the explosive year of the tiger. It is a year of placidity and respite where little will be set in stone; a carefree happy year that will be both temperate and relaxed.

The Fire Rabbit - loving, unobtrusive, sensitive, perceptive and motivated by appreciation.

The Wood Rabbit - thoughtful, kindly, motivated by generosity, is liberal and compassionate.

The Earth Rabbit - fair, withdrawn, money-oriented, motivated by appropriation and is solemn.

The Metal Rabbit - crafty, rational, temperamental, sensitive and motivated by attention to detail.

The Water Rabbit - empathic, delicate, motivated by peace, is also biased and introvert.

Metal Rabbit 
Water Rabbit 
Wood Rabbit 
Fire Rabbit 
Earth Rabbit

Interesting Rabbit Facts:

Zodiac Stone: Pearl

Special Flower: Jonquil

Horoscope Colors: Grey, White

THIS YEAR: The year 2020 will attract abundance of money, prosperity, luck and wealth for those born in The Year of the Rabbit.

The Rabbit horoscope 2020 predicts that in generally, the outlook is positive. However, the year will be marked with some tense configurations. In order to preserve your serenity, it would be in your best interest to adopt a well-balanced lifestyle at the very start of the year.

Be careful about your diet, and think of getting more fresh air; indeed, you’ll tend to live too much indoors, forgetting to walk or to maintain contact with nature. There’s a whole world out there for you to explore.

The Dragon



The Dragon (LONG)
Ruler of the hours 7am to 9am
Direction - East/Southeast
Season - Spring/April
Fixed element - Wood positive
Yin/Yang - Yang

Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Dragon appear to have magical traits, they are strong and full of energy and forever on the go.  Some of their more negative traits include: eccentricity, a tendency towards being arrogant and very trying.  However they do have many fans and expect the same level of excellence from others that they expect from themselves.  They are also full of pride. Other traits include: failing to practice what they preach, over confident, a tendency to intimidate others, feel themselves to be above the law, and can be illogical, domineering and obstinate.  In many cases they fail to identify their foes.  Although energetic they are liable to become obsessive.  On the plus side they seldom hold grudges and are generally quick to forgive.  Dragons are said to be able to accomplish great things and those born in this year are also said to represent the horns of destiny. Needing a cause for which to fight, Dragons will never merely stand back and accept their fate or what life brings.

The year of the Dragon: is one that brings happiness and good fortune.  It is one of the most positive and strongest of all of the twelve star signs.  During the year of the Dragon their will be violent acts of nature, with an electrifying ambience and things coming in waves.  For those considering marriage or starting a new venture or business it is an favourable year.

The Fire Dragon - challenging, compassionate, fair, motivated by aspiration and is virtuous.

The Wood Dragon - arrogant, giving, logical, motivated by inspiration and frank.

The Earth Dragon -  courageous, motivated by jurisdiction, is practical, steady and leisurely.

The Metal Dragon - truthful, intense, motivated by contest, is resolute and inflexible.

The Water Dragon - democratic, dedicated, unrestrained, motivated by negotiation and is also dependable.

Metal Dragon
Water Dragon
Wood Dragon
Fire Dragon
Earth Dragon

Interesting Dragon Facts:

Zodiac Stone: Amethyst

Special Flower: Sweet Pea

Horoscope Colors: Black, Gold

THIS YEAR: In 2020 the Rat will bring luck and money for those born in the year of the Dragon.

The Dragon horoscope 2020 predicts that this year, you will become more sure of yourself and assert your originality, especially in your career, where your qualities will be acknowledged by your superiors and colleagues. But you’ll also have the tendency to adopt overly radical positions at times; try to be more moderate.

Beware: By refusing to make concessions, you’ll antagonize even those who only want to help you! Expect luck to smile upon you.

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The Snake



The Snake (SHE)
Ruler of the hours 9am to 11am
Direction - South/Southwest
Season - Spring/May
Fixed element - Fire negative
Yin/Yang - Yin

Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Snake tend to exhibit the following characteristics: they are intellectual, superstitious, sceptical, astute, have elegance, innate wisdom, and possibly some levels of supernatural capability.  Snake people rarely seek independent advice or advice from others, possibly because on the whole they don't communicate well with others.  They tend to be very private people, but when they are riled they like to " settle old scores".  Generally they are very deliberate about whatever they say. They like to think first and speak later and they also have a cautious business sense.  It is in their nature to be very unremitting and suspicious and this results in a character that is both slow to forgive, highly calculative, somewhat hateful in nature and can certainly bide their time in order to reap their revenge.  Other features include: leading dangerous lives that are full of thrills and intrigue, yet they keep a firmness of purpose and a clear presence of mind.

The year of the Snake: is a somewhat changeable year, filled with preparation, contemplation and much reflection.  Often breakthroughs are made but achieved in silence.  Generally the Snake year is not a calm year, possibly a year of sharp dealings, turmoil and even war if differences cannot be resolved. To sum up: the year of the snake is the strongest most negative force of all of the signs.

The Fire Snake - self-assured, masterful, motivated by authority and power, wary and unbending.

The Wood Snake - constant, discreet, serious, fascinating, motivated by understanding and accord.

The Earth Snake -  traditional, trusty, is motivated by rationality, unrelenting and dependable.

The Metal Snake - scheming, vigorous, cautious and is motivated by commitment.

The Water Snake - inquiring, money oriented, a thinker, motivated by " insight" and is "patient".

Metal Snake
Water Snake
Wood Snake
Fire Snake
Earth Snake

Interesting Snake Facts:

Zodiac Stone: Opal

Special Flower: Passionflower

Horoscope Colors: Brown Gold, Green

THIS YEAR: 2020 will be a life changing year for those born under the Year of the Snake.

The Snake horoscope 2020 predicts that your personal evolution will be highlighted by the Stars this year. You’ll discover new things that interest you and you’ll better understand the direction of your destiny.

Many of you will be attracted by all that is related to spirituality. Your natural generosity will express itself usefully in the service of others. Think about this if ever you have an important career choice to make.

The Horse



The Horse (MA)
Ruler of the hours 11am to 1pm
Direction - South
Season - Summer/June
Fixed element - Fire positive
Yin/Yang - Yang

Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Horse tend to fall very easily in and out of love, as well as being both cheery and very well-liked they are willful and irritable but often very nice-looking. Some of their other personality traits include: a love of exercise, a tendency to make rash choices and they have a unpredictable character.  They are somewhat lively, impulsive and independent, unbiased, adaptable and proficient and think nothing of making a snap decision.  They possess the ability to " manipulate" people and events. Often they rush those that are not as quick as themselves.  They have a love of independence and free-will and give preferentiality to things done their way, although they do tend to be forgetful and " jump to conclusions".  Their powers of persuasion are extraordinary and they are neither envious or mistrustful by nature; instead they loathe wasting time, can be variable, cannot stick to agendas and have great difficulty in unwinding.  Although having many friends, they like better, to rely on themselves and prefer their way of achieving their aims.

The year of the Horse: is a time for progress, it is a very happy-go-lucky, frantic and wild year that is both adventurous and satisfying.  There will be an upward turn to the year with a deal of good humour.  It is a year for going it alone, perhaps with some shocks in store but on the whole a courageous and daring year.

The Fire Horse - highly strung, powerful, inconsistent, alluring and motivated by strength of will.

The Wood Horse - helpful, motivated by advancement, dependable, methodical and quirky. 

The Earth Horse -  reliable, rational, motivated by prudence, accurate and slow.

The Metal Horse - affectionate, egotistical, motivated by "challenge", fruitful and obstinate.

The Water Horse - flexible, amusing, lacking consistency, motivated by " action" and self-absorbed.

Metal Horse
Water Horse
Wood Horse
Fire Horse
Earth Horse

Interesting Horse Facts:

Zodiac Stone: Golden Topaz

Special Flower: Rose

Horoscope Colors: Orange, White, Yellow

THIS YEAR: The year 2020 will bring welfare, health, happiness, prosperity, peace and luck for people born in the year of the horse.

The horse horoscope 2020 predicts that the year may be marked with important surprises. Now, as a native of this Sign, you abhor the unforeseen. Nevertheless, it will be in your best interest to act quickly if changes come to disrupt your career schedule. Given the favorable astral configurations of the year, such modifications will play in your favor, on the condition that you take up the challenge.

Don’t be doubtful of your abilities; you’ll find the necessary resources within yourself to make the most of changing conditions.

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The Goat 




The Sheep (YANG)
Ruler of the hours 1pm to 3pm
Direction - South/Southwest
Season - Summer/July
Fixed element - Fire negative
Yin/Yang - Yin

Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Goat/Sheep tend to take on the role of the " good Samaritan".  The Sheep is the most feminine sign of all of the Chinese animals.  Usually they are very good-natured, genuine, timid and bashful, which can sometimes lead to them being taken 'for a ride' by others.  Some of their other traits include: being overwhelmed by their emotions, a tendency to become somewhat negative, gloomy and introvert. They are natural born worriers who will always predict and expect the worst.  They especially loathe criticism and regulation and sometimes find it difficult to maintain an objective view on things.  However they are kindhearted, mild, understanding and very forgiving.  They would rather be in a huff than come to blows.  On the whole people tend to " care deeply" for them and they will always have the things that they require in life.  They have an enduring personality that prefers not to disclose troubles unless really forced to.  Sheep people deny themselves nothing and are "hopeless romantics".

The year of the Sheep: is one that will be a time for caring, bringing out creative talent, imagination and emotion, whilst remaining, calm, smooth and slow.  " Harmony with moderation" are the key words with a warning about the danger of negativity. 

The Fire Sheep - aggressive, dramatic, lively, motivated by deed and can be malicious.

The Wood Sheep - loyal, bighearted, motivated by "trust", " sentimental" and considerate.

The Earth Sheep -  traditional, autonomous, motivated by diligence, anxious and hopeful.

The Metal Sheep - motivated by accord, jealous, defensive, " vulnerable" and unbalanced.

The Water sheep - attractive, mild, suggestible, motivated by others and is opportunistic.

Metal Goat
Water Goat
Wood Goat
Fire Goat
Earth Goat

Interesting Goat Facts

Zodiac Stone: Emerald

Special Flower: Larkspur

Horoscope Colors: Green, Blue

THIS YEAR: The year 2020 year is a year of wealth, health, luck and good travel, for those born under the year of the Goat.

The Goat horoscope 2020 predicts a year full of good surprises, especially in your career or social life. However, the Stars can also throw some obstacles your way.

The Monkey


The Monkey (HOU)
Ruler of the hours 3pm to 5pm
Direction - West/Southwest
Season - Summer/August
Fixed element - Metal positive
Yin/Yang - Yang

Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Monkey tend to be generally good at " mastering anything" they put their hands to, they are also successful.  This is possibly due to a combination of personality traits including: charm, cleverness, quit wittedness and their love of a challenge.  They are also crafty, competitive, envious and have a flexible character.  At times they are capable of great dishonesty, they can be both self-centered and narcissistic and can often have a superiority complex, believing themselves to be above others.  They always manage to give good reason for their deeds and with a total and unshakeable belief in themselves, they feel that they always know best and are seldom discouraged.  Although they have a complete lack of impartiality they do have good intellectual skill and good memories.  The monkey has an avid inquisitiveness but likes to find the easy way out of any problems.

The year of the Monkey: is one where absolutely anything and everything is possible, a year when things that appear impossible will succeed.  With all of this success around no-one will know what they are doing.  A haggling and shamming it year full of luck and one where no-one will accept no for answer.

The Fire Monkey - bossy, lively, creative, motivated by rivalry and sexual.

The Wood Monkey - cautious, talkative, perceptive, motivated by honesty and restless.

The Earth Monkey -  motivated by curiosity, good-natured, dependable, sullen, and methodical.

The Metal Monkey - motivated by constancy, affectionate, self-reliant, stylish and sturdy.

The Water Monkey - collaborative, elusive, clever, motivated by amiability and sensitive.

Metal Monkey
Water Monkey
Wood Monkey
Fire Monkey
Earth Monkey

Interesting Monkey Facts:

Zodiac Stone: Peridot

Special Flower: Gladiola

Horoscope Colors: White, Violet, Green

THIS YEAR: The year 2020 will be a peaceful and a blessed year for all the people born in the year of the Monkey.

The Monkey horoscope 2020 predicts that this year, you’ll have to make concerted efforts in order to get what you want. Important changes can take place at home or at work, so you need to be prepared. It would be ideal if you could remain confident when you actually feel like sweating.

If you act rather than panic, you’ll find brilliant solutions and you’ll triumph over difficulties. Be convinced that life is made of renewals and that upheavals are useful because they allow you to make progress.

The Rooster 



The Rooster (JI)
Ruler of the hours 5pm to 7pm
Direction - West
Season - Autumn/September
Fixed element - Metal negative
Yin/Yang - Yin

Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Rooster tend to hide their conservative natures via a display of aggression and self-confidence, however they are very "dignified".  Roosters come in two types: those that are very somber and those that are very communicative.  They love to be the focus of attention, showing scant regard for the feelings of others and as a result they are often susceptible to flattery and sycophancy.  Other personality traits include: vigilance, decisiveness, straightforwardness and accuracy.  They have a love of debate and dispute, but can also be very critical and forthright.  Roosters tend not to be very creative or adaptable, but still like to be noticed and especially to be given awards.  However they are excellent with money and are great purists to the degree that they will not allow for human weaknesses.  Their minds work along scientific lines and generally they are genuine and " well meaning".

The year of the Rooster: is one of a huge dissipation of energy, with only a precarious balance, which can often lead to arguments.  It is a cautious year where no-one wants to listen to anyone else resulting in many disagreements and " frayed nerves".  However no-one will undergo too much hardship.

The Fire Rooster - hard working, independent, motivated by principals, exact and unpredictable.

The Wood Rooster - thoughtful, truthful, motivated by dependability, disciplined and selfless.

The Earth Rooster -  well-organized, motivated by efficiency, scholarly, methodical and modest.

The Metal Rooster - idealistic, hard working, motivated by inference, opportunistic and practicable.

The Water Rooster - competent, lively, academic, motivated by ingenuity and practical.

Metal Rooster 
Water Rooster 
Wood Rooster 
Fire Rooster 
Earth Rooster 

Zodiac Stone: Citrine

Special Flower: Aster

Horoscope Colors: Orange, Green

THIS YEAR: 2020 it will be a year full of ups and downs in all aspects for those born under the year of the Rooster.

The Rooster chinese horoscope 2020 predicts that this year, your focus will be on the sectors related to relations with others. Thus, it will be in your best interest to think of other people more.

Whether in your work, love affairs or family life, don’t make any decisions without foreseeing its consequences on those around you. Good fortune will smile upon you if you put your family and friends first.

 The Dog



Ruler of the hours 7pm to 9pm
Direction - West/Northwest
Season - Autumn/October
Fixed element - Metal positive
Yin/Yang - Yang

Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Dog tend to be very well liked as it is one of the most popular of all of the animals.  Dog people are: truthful, clever, with a strong sense of fairness and devotion.  They never shirk their duties, they always do their fair share of things and will always " listen to reason".  They would never ignore a distress call, often putting the well-being of others before their own and they never abandon people.  Other traits include: open-mindedness, never envious, non money-minded and very adept at seeing straight through others.  However should you try to snoop into their affairs they can become secretive and also give a cold shoulder to those who they don't really like. They are also: intrepid, practical and " have great insight into human nature".  They can be belligerent, gloomy, be anxious for no apparent reason and they absolutely detest pretence.  Inevitabilities are never put on hold, neither is giving a clear-cut answer to something.  Above all they are never sly, underhand or crafty.

The year of the Dog: is a year for reflection and to assess ones values.  There will be disturbances, revolts, but as the Dog is always on the lookout, honesty will always rule the day.  This year will see great benevolent and idealistic deeds and various unusual changes; a time when broadmindedness and fairness will be supported.  Although this year is one of great cynicism a sense of balance and tranquility will be upheld.

The Fire Dog - dramatic, ferocious, alluring, motivated by strength of mind and self confident.

The Wood Dog - adaptable, bighearted, motivated by logic and reason, steady and affectionate.

The Earth Dog -  motivated by morals, practical, careful, enigmatic and wary.

The Metal Dog - generous, judicious, rigid, motivated by devotion and gracious.

The Water Dog - laid-back, instinctive, motivated by self-indulgence and philosophical.

Metal Dog
Water Dog
Wood Dog
Fire Dog
Earth Dog

Interesting Dog Facts:

Zodiac Stone: Diamond

Special Flower: Marigold

Horoscope Colors: Silver and Red

THIS YEAR: People born in the year of the Dog won’t have to complain about the stars in the year of the Rat 2020, for they will have good luck in most areas of their life.

Of course, problems can still occur.You will need to be patient and tenacious at work. If you’re wise enough to adapt yourself to new challenges that arise, you’ll strengthen your character and develop two key qualities — the art of negotiating and the ability to make sensible choices.


The Pig



Ruler of the hours 9pm to 11pm
Direction - North/Northwest
Season - Autumn/November
Fixed element - Water negative
Yin/Yang - Yin

Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Boar tend to be: brave, giving, like commitment, unpretentious, incredibly enduring, reliant, strong and trusty.  They are very patient, loyal and do not hold grudges; they also make very good tutors.  As a result of their loyal and thoughtful natures Boars make very many permanent companions, although they do expect others to put up with their shortcomings.  They detest quarrels, but they can be somewhat patronizing and "naive"; this leads to a certain amount of gullibility.  Boars are selfless, hot tempered, quick surmount their problems and always enjoy good fortune.  Even though others may be entirely wrong, Boars will still listen to them.  On the whole Boars are quite happy, they tend to remain in the background of any situations and are very loyal and considerate.  Sometimes they are taken very much for granted.

The year of the Boar: is one of benevolence, one with a lot of 'feel good factor', one of " abundance" and a good year for business.  Life in this year will be lived to the full and although there will be uncertainty it will be minimal.  It is a rich year with impetuous acts, but care is recommended with any matters concerning money.  The Boar is the symbol for great courage and integrity.

The Fire Boar - deep, motivated by affection, stubborn, sensual and irresponsible.

The Wood Boar - deceitful, kind-hearted, scheming, motivated by ambition and shrewd.

The Earth Boar -  welcoming, motivated by common-sense, calm, industrious and level-headed.

The Metal Boar - bossy, lively, extroverted, motivated by fortitude and patience and is full of pride.

The Water Boar - motivated by belief, insightful, unrelenting and influential.

Metal Pig
Water Pig
Wood Pig
Fire Pig
Earth Pig

Interesting Pig Facts

Zodiac Stone: Ruby

Special Flower: Chrysanthemum

Horoscope Colors: Purple, Red, White

THIS YEAR: 2020 will be an extremely lucky year for all the people born in the year of the Pig.

The Pig horoscope 2020 predicts that the astral climate will lighten. After a rather chaotic year, you’ll begin to feel better about yourself. However, there are still lessons to learn.

First of all, show yourself to be extremely reasonable in all domains of your life. Next, vow to be more selfless. Finally, the more willing you are to modify your plans at the last minute, the better you’ll fare in all aspects of your life.


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